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Database Applications

Database applications are software programs designed to collect, manage and disseminate information efficiently. Cegycan develops scalable database applications from simple, such as customer contact and mailing lists, to more advanced applications like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

CRM Applications

A customer relationship management system (CRM) is a database application that has been customized to manage the marketing, sales, and support relationships between a business and it's customers. The ultimate goal is to maximize sales, minimize costs and foster strategic customer relationships. Simple contact management programs such as "ACT," or the task manager in Microsoft's "Outlook" can be customized to suit the needs of individuals and small businesses.

Web Applications

Many contemporary web sites are built using several database applications simultaneously as core components. Most retail store Web sites use database systems to store, update and present data about products for sale. These Websites also combine an accounting database system to record sales transactions and a CRM database application to incorporate feedback and drive a positive customer experience. There is an indication of the increasing usage of database applications as foundations for Web-based applications.

Our Portfolio

Cegycan comprehensive portfolio demonstrates our know-how in consulting, implementing, maintaining, hosting and evolving leading database application solutions.

We developed our expertise in the following areas:

  • Government Organizations.
  • Consular services
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Information and communications technology (ICT)
  • Retail business
  • Electro-Mechanical manufacturers
  • Schools and Academic institutions

Do you need to implement a New Database system or move to the Cloud Databases? Let's discuss how we can help you achieve this.